Monday, June 18, 2012


I feel like I learn something new every day working in the inner city. I am trying to learn to be fearless. Fearless is my favorite word in the Bible. Ephesians 6:19-20 says "Pray for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will FEARLESSLY make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it FEARLESSLY, as I should."

A few weeks ago I began to see the dangers of being in the inner city. Our team of five went downtown to the apartments. We talked to people outside of their rooms and handed out tracks and promoted the Bible study that would be held in these apartment complexes on Wednesday nights. Our team got the chance to meet a lot of new people. We talked to a group of people outside of their rooms when all of the sudden one of the women had a panicked expression. She pointed behind us and yelled "That man has a gun!!!"and ran behind the door of her apartment. My heart seemed to stop instantly but I remained calm. I was not panicked, I didn't even feel scared. I looked at my friends expressions and they were all calm and acted as if nothing had happened. When the armed man drove away, we simply walked around to talk to others for a bit longer and left the apartments.

A few days after this incident happened, I talked to Shannon (girl who works with me) about it. I told her that our reaction was shocking. Thinking about it, I feel like my first instinct would be to run or to duck down or at least cover my head. But instead, I remained calm. She agreed and told me that she had been thinking about the way we reacted and knew it was because of God. Instead of panicking, we were all filled with peace and comfort. We became Fearless. And that fearlessness was only because of God. I got so excited talking to Shannon about it. In times of trouble, He is there. He is always there and He always will be there. I know God gave us the courage to trust Him that day. He took care of us.  He will continue to take care of us.

I want to be like Paul. An ambassador in chains for Christ. A servant. Fearlessly preaching the gospel. Fearlessly stepping out and proclaiming what He believes. Telling others even when it means he will be severely persecuted. I want to have that kind of faith. Live that kind of life. Not caring if others will judge me or think i'm crazy for following Christ. Living by example not just preaching the gospel. I have so much more to learn, but this is a great start. My new job is teaching me to be fearless. It is teaching me to trust God and know He will provide.