Monday, September 3, 2012

Homeless Ministry


This past Friday night was the second time I have been able to go downtown and minister to the homeless. It definitely will not be the last. Meeting people and hearing their stories, hearing their struggles and their obstacles, it is hard to take all of it in. You want so badly to reach out and help every single person on the streets. But only God can change a heart. Only God can help them conquer these addictions. Only God can piece back together a broken life. These people on the streets need Jesus just as much as the rest of the world does. Least of These Ministry goes downtown every Friday night with sandwiches and water to minister to the homeless. They take time to talk to every homeless person that reaches out for food. We were able to talk to them, hear their stories and tell them about Jesus. Many would ask, "Why are you out here?" or "Don't you know this is dangerous?" And the response would always be the same. Christ. We're out here because God Loves you. We are not scared because God is our protection. We trust Him to keep us safe. This ministry is so amazing. God is going to use it in so many ways to reach out to the homeless community in downtown Memphis. I am so excited to see what God will do with this ministry. I can't wait to go back next Friday and see familiar faces and talk to new people. God is truly working in downtown Memphis.



  2. Oh wow!!! I'm so glad I just ran across your blog!!! I'm a pastors kid and a missionary kid. I'm also a Christian college student and my dream is to start an orphan ministry after graduating college. Right now The Lord's leading me towards China, but there's nothing set in stone! HOW COOL! I spent the summer in Cambodia and Thailand with an organization called Sending Hope International. I love awesome connections like this! You seem to have a beautiful heart. It's always encouraging to meet other girls my age with the same heart for missionary work!
    God bless!

    In His Service,
    Hannah Boyd
    ~Philippians 1:21
