Thursday, April 26, 2012

Problem? or blessing?


I think my problem is I care too much. But honestly, when I think about it, is that really a problem? Some might say it is but we are called to love our neighbors (Mark 12:31) and we are called to imitate Christ, (Ephesians 5:1) who loved those who most people thought were unloveable. So maybe caring too much is not a problem as much as it is a blessing. A blessing that comes with a burden for others. I would rather care too much than not care at all. There are days where I feel burdened for the people in my life. Friends and family members that I know do not have a relationship with Christ. People I could witness to all day and they would still act as if I hadn't said a word. Sometimes our words and not needed. God's word is enough. His Spirit is enough. I could rant for days about my relationship with Christ and it have no affect. Then God could show Himself through nature and their eyes could instantly be opened and they become a believer. I AM NOT NEEDED. He chooses to use me. Just because I cant "save" all my friends and family members doesn't mean God can't. I can't give up. No matter how many times I am turned down. No matter how many doors are slammed in my face. As a follower of Christ, I am committed to telling others about Him. And maybe that is just by living my life. Being the example. I have messed up so much in the past but I am forgiven. I can't dwell on my past mistakes. The only thing I can do is learn from it and continue to pursue Him in all that I do. Maybe others will see that change in my life and they will see Christ through it. There is no limit to what God can do. And that, in itself, is so encouraging.


  1. this is so inspiring. you are wonderful to speak about these things!

    1. thank you so much! That really means alot to me! :)

  2. I'm so thankful that I found your blog. You're one of the sweetest ladies and I just love your heart for the Lord. You encourage me! xoxo

    1. Thanks! I'd definitely have to say the same about you!!
